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Our activities, goals and achievements

When we started our organization in 2008, we set the following goals:

  • Getting in touch with Japanese Reiki masters.
  • Finding a Japanese master who would travel to Europe to hold training courses for our community there.
  • Becoming acquainted with the Japanese way of practicing Reiki and the guidelines of Master Usui, and practicing Reiki the way we learn it in Japan.
  • Treating patients with the method, opening and maintaining Reiki studios for this purpose. 
  • Training professional healers.
  • Practicing regularly and providing the opportunity for people to practice together in groups.
  • Becoming acquainted with the original Japanese instructions and guidelines, and translating them.
  • Documenting the healing effects of Reiki by keeping up-to-date records of patient treatments.

Fortunately, all of the above goals have been achieved in less than fifteen years.

Our future goals for the period 2022-2030 are:

  • Having training centers on every continent.
  • FIARE to be practiced regularly in group settings in three countries per continent. These can be the bases from where FIARE can become more widely known in the future if people are interested.
  • Finding financial supporters for our work.
  • Finishing setting up our internal IT system.
  • Continuing the training of professional healers in several countries.
  • Having ten more professional healers in our community.
  • More of our professional healers to become teachers because there is a great need for more teachers in the world.
  • Finding the future professional healers around the world; and for them to be able to find us as well.
  • May our healers continue to help many people worldwide.

We are incredibly grateful for any donation, big or small. If you would like to support our work with a one-time donation, please donate by clicking a button below.

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